We thank everyone who was a part of The Call Of America.
We served so many veterans and first responders - helping them improve their lives, qualify for benefits, find housing, get medical treatment, etc. Many of the stories are found in the pages of this website. Take a look.
We also want to thank Todd Saylor for his vision and passion when forming The Call Of America. It was because of him, his heart, and his philanthropy that The Call Of America was able to help so many.
Even though this website is no longer active, the many lives we have touched continue to visit and we will keep it online for them. There are still good resources here and the website can still help veterans and first responders even now.
This website was always and will always be for them - those who have given so much for us and our freedoms - and we promise to keep these pages alive for them.
Be sure to thank each veteran you know!
We have always had only one goal, to fight for our veterans and first responders who need our help. From day one we have been fighting the good fight for these brave Americans.
As we move forward with our calling, we are ever vigilant for opportunities that will allow us to help veterans and first responders who find themselves in need.
We offer a big Thank You to all who have given so generously either of their time and/or their donations. Both have impacted the lives of many veterans and have helped them move on to a better place in life.
May God bless you, our veterans and first responders and the future of The Call Of America!
The purpose of The Call of America is to help provide a better life for United States veterans and servicemen/women of all branches of the United States military and first responders by providing support and assistance to homeless veterans, families of veterans, military servicemen and servicewomen and first responders who have or are currently serving both domestically and abroad.
The Call Of America is a group of dedicated, passionate individuals who are answering the call to serve. We believe that God has given all human beings an obligation to help those in need. If you can, if you are in a position to help those in need, you should.
“If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3: 17-18
Here at The Call Of America we were always dedicated to honoring God by actively serving those who have served us. As a Pro-American organization The Call Of America is fighting to help those in need who are; veterans, first responders, (firemen, local, county, and state police, EMT’s) and their immediate families. These people risk life and limb daily because they believe it’s the right thing to do. They’ve sacrificed for the right reasons and now we’re fighting for them for those same right reasons; for God, for country, and for our fellow Americans.
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”
2 Timothy 4:7
The Call Of America intentionally celebrates humanity by reaching out to those in need. Often we start with things most of us take for granted every day, basic needs such as food, clothing, and shelter. We meet them where they are in their need, but we don’t stop there. Our challenge is to give them much more than a hand-out, we want to give them a hand-up. The Call Of America is working to change lives.
Speaking of changing lives… We’re growing and because of that, The Call Of America needs volunteers to help with the day-to-day operations.
We’re working on projects like:
• Replacing personal records, birth certificates, photo ID’s, social security cards, and DD214’s.
• Helping to provide places of residence for the homeless, job assistance, family and individual counseling, and more.
• Help to distribute basic needs like; food, clothing, toiletries, and cleaning supplies.
• Help match our clients to local social service agencies.
• We’re even working on building homes and retro-fitting homes to be handicap accessible.
"Celebrate Humanity... Do something for no reason at all, to help others.
If you can... You should."Todd Saylor
The Call of America Mission statement:
To support: "Pro American" agenda, through its non for profit charitable organization, designed to serve, and to support, American ideals and Love of Country.
To fight: for those who can't fight for themselves and to fight for those who have fought for this great country. 2 Timothy 4:7
"Supporting the families and those who have sacrificed their life for this Country's Freedom, and Safety, is not only incumbent on us, but an imperative and moral duty."
Todd Saylor 2010
The Call of America pledged:
• To never forget where we came from.
• To perpetuate the pursuit of liberty and the "Protection of Freedom".
• A commitment to Humble Excellence.
• To be good stewards, to the highest standards of excellence.
• To put God first and operate through biblical principles.
"And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.
"John F. Kennedy