Todd Saylor Endorsement:
The Call Of America.... To Serve!
"I have known Todd Saylor since 1992. I was living in Ohio at the time and our church decided to plant a church in Steuben Co. It was through this church planting effort that my friendship with Todd took root.
Todd and I served together on this church plants leadership team for several years. Studies show that 80% of all church plants fail in the first year. This church plant did not fail and in fact has flourished over the last 18 years as hundred’s of live have been changed. I can confidently say that Todd’s entrepreneurial leadership style played a huge role in the success this church recognized in the early years. Additionally, Todd played an intricate part of two capital campaigns in this church plant’s first 15 yrs. The initial campaign resulted in the construction of a 16,000 sq ft facility.
Todd later spear headed a campaign that resulted in approximately $900,000 being pledged to a building expansion. If there is one word that I could use to describe Todd Saylor, it’s “passionate”. Once Todd puts his mind to something, he simply wills it to fruition. I also recall it was Todd’s charisma, magnetic personality and passion for life that drew others to him. I also found out that Todd is a great motivator. It was Todd’s passion to study God’s Word that inspired me to grow in my own personal walk with God. It was Todd’s challenge to me to get into God’s Word that ignited a season of personal growth to which I will be eternally grateful for."
Doug Tuckerman
Sauder Woodworking Co
Area Leader, Final Assembly
Work phone: 419-446-3684
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