Todd Saylor Endorsement:
The Call Of America.... To Serve!
American Success Story:
"To Whom It May Concern:
As a son of a Vietnam Veteran, and a college graduate via the G.I. Bill; I am honored to endorse: Todd Saylor and This not for profit, Pro-American and Biblically principled organization will provide support for homeless veterans who served us in our nation’s military.
This is a dream of Mr. Saylor’s and his Christian calling. Todd is a true American success story and tested winner in life. As the son of a Michigan High School football coaching legend, he learned the value of character, discipline and work-ethic young. Todd carries this strong foundation and has a driving force to pass this knowledge to others. I have been blessed to witness this first-hand. As the Head Football Coach at Trine University I have asked him to deliver a motivational speech to my team on five separate occasions. The message that he sent was one of faith, teamwork, personal responsibility and effort. I am happy to inform you that we have not lost a game when Todd is on our side. He has had such an impact on me, my coaching staff and our players that my hope is I will someday be able to repay him for his efforts.
Todd is a dedicated family man, a concentrated philanthropist, and a friend. I could not imagine a better person to “lead the charge” in the battle for our veteran’s future. Placing your full support behind this organization will be the most effective way to show your support for our Indiana men and women who have chosen to defend our freedoms and those of all Americans. Thank You."
Matt Land
Head Football Coach
Trine University
2008 MIAA Champions, 2008 NCAA Playoffs
2009 MIAA Champions, 2009 NCAA Playoffs, Sweet 16
2010 MIAA Champions, 2010 NCAA Playoffs
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