The purpose of The Call of America is help provide a better life for United States veterans and servicemen/women of all branches of the United States military and first responders by providing support and assistance to homeless veterans, families of veterans, military servicemen and servicewomen and first responders who are currently serving America both domestically and abroad.
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Todd Saylor Endorsement:

The Call Of America.... To Serve!

Community Leader:

November 12, 2010

To Whom it May Concern, Re: Todd Saylor

"It is a privilege to be able to write a letter of recommendation for Todd Saylor. I have known Todd as a community leader / business person for 15 years, as his pastor for five years, and through his direct involvement with me in raising funds for the new Project Help building in our city.

Todd is a man of vision with a huge heart to help out wherever he can with the resources he has in his possession. An example of this, of which I have direct knowledge, is his leading a fund raiser for Project Help, the community food and clothing bank of Steuben County. Todd organized the “PayServ Swings for Project Help” event that brought in nationally know baseball players and local talent for an afternoon and evening event that raised $75,000 through sales and pledges. Todd volunteered untold hours and committed his company’s personnel to make it happen. It was an outstanding success, one the committee still remembers and one that made it possible for Project Help to reach its goal of a new building to better serve the community.

Todd’s warm spirit, high energy, and exceptional leadership skills give him the ability to pull off what he sets his heart and mind to. I have been informed that his next special endeavor to help others is to create an organization to help homeless veterans. If his previous successes are any indication, this too will be a huge blessing to a part of society that has served and sacrificed, but been frequently forgotten.

I can give the highest possible recommendation to you concerning Todd Saylor’s integrity and leadership skills, and his willingness to help where needed."


Rev. Norman Fuller

Pastor, Fairview Missionary Church

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