Todd Saylor Endorsement:
The Call Of America.... To Serve!
Close Friends:
November 12, 2010
To Whom it May Concern, Re: Todd Saylor
"I met Todd Saylor on the campus of Manchester College in North Manchester, Indiana. We became close friends through our experience as football players while at Manchester. Still today Todd lives life the way he played football. He lives his life with passion, hard work, and a dedicated resolve to utilize his skills in the most effective way possible, while always envisioning results.
Doctors discouraged Todd from playing football his senior year at Manchester. They were concerned because of the number of concussions he had sustained in prior years of competition. Instead, Todd pressed on to complete what he had started, even in the face of additional injuries including another concussion throughout the season. His resolve was to finish well, and he did. It was a risk to compete that season and Todd has been no stranger to risk and adversity since his days on the playing field. With even greater maturity he has taken risk and overcome adversity with a driven passion to finish well, and even greater drive brought on by his faith in Jesus Christ.
As one can imagine, Todd’s schedule is full, yet to me one of his greatest attributes as a friend is that his schedule is never too busy to help someone in need. In fact, his schedule is never too full for me. He has a compassion motivated by the love of Christ to help people. He is a real person with real problems and real adversity, who does not quit and does not cite his own difficulties as an excuse not to help. It is a tragedy to see Christian people isolate themselves from the world, with a schedule full of religious activity. Todd is a man who is willing to be real in the midst of difficult days and take what he has, start where he is, and do what he can. Todd is a modern day version of the Old Testament Shamgar. Shamgar took what he had (a farm tool), started where he was (in his own land), and did what he could (took out 600 Philistines protecting his home country)."
Rick Mann
College football teammate and lifelong friend
Husband to Susan and father of four children, Pastor of Fairview Church, and owner/operator of five McDonalds franchises.
Resides in Russell Springs, Kentucky
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